Free Energy Healing Treatment and Workshop





17 Oct

Free Divine Feminine Energy Healing Class

  • 6:30 pm
  • 505 Patlin Avenue Orange City Florida, 32763

This Class is presented at No Cost to attendees. The intention of the Class is to explore the methods used to re-Engage the many aspects of Feminine Divinity.

Ancient Teachings of the Universe Guiding Love Posse

“Ayni & Sacred Reciprocity”

“Chante Ishta”

Audio Video Introduction to The Ancient Teachings of The Universe Guiding Love Posse

Please LISTEN to the WORDS and SEE the Graphics in this Presentation. These are the fundamental tenets Love Posse IS GUIDED to operate within.

The information comes from Divine Transmission and is Auto-written EXPRESSLY for Curious Seekers to be exposed to.

As with ALL Love Posse Teachings, Please Listen and HEAR, With your HEART NOT your EGOIC Mind!

Some of you will find this information Thrilling and Useful, Sadly there is a chance some of you will Disregard the information by letting your Pride and Ego misguide your acceptance.

Love Posse intends for this to be riveting and exciting for ALL Curious Seekers!

Let’s Begin YOUR Re-Enlightenment NOW!


We invite you to join us...

  • Attendees will receive a 5 minute Tesla Enhancer Session to evaluate the energy healing method…
  • Each attendee will receive an energy reading from the Mystic conducting the event.
  • Each attendee will receive a divine energy transmission by their attendance at the workshop session.
  • Where time allows, a Q & A session will answer as many questions as possible.
  • Bring your Curiosity and your Questions, this event is sure to stir up the Divinity in each attendee.

Come, join, see and find your spiritual energy !

Use this form to request more information about becoming affiliated as a practitioner with Love Posse.